I wrote this poem and ask every person who reads it to think of it in every interaction you have with another person, especially someone you don't know or who you think doesn't deserve your most kind self: We never truly know the hearts or lives of others. Let your every deed make the other person walk away feeling better. Words are more powerful than a sword:
Would you...
Would you show me more compassion
If you knew how I struggle to go on?
That my life has been completely shattered
And my reason for living is gone?
Would you go out of your way to protect me
And go the extra mile
If you knew my heart is drowning in tears
Behind my make-believe smile?
Would you give me credit for trying
And smiling and pretending I’m okay
If you knew that to get up is so painful
That it hurts just to face every day?
Would you be forgiving of my lapses
In thoughts and words, my friend
If you knew it takes so much extra effort
For my mind to comprehend?
The doctors and ones who’ve been through this
Tell me I must be patient with me
That I have a life-altering sickness
Not different from a disease
But this disease has a cure, that’s good news
I must stay the course and keep trying
And lean on those who love me
I vow I will ‘til the day that I’m dying.
So please stick with me, be patient
I am getting better, you know
But this is a process, not instant
I’m sorrier than you it’s been slow.
I’m getting stronger and clearer each day
And there’s love in these words that I choose
That I’m so glad you can’t really understand
Cause I’d hate you to be in my shoes.
Sending so much gratitude to those who have stood by me, loved and supported me every step of the way. You know who you are and I love you!!!!